You can Sponsor a Home of Hope…Together!
Your church, Sunday school class, Bible Study or business can impact eternity by sponsoring a Home of Hope! Our children are victims or potential victims of human trafficking or religious persecution in southeast Asia. Through sponsorship, your members can feel a personal connection and heart, hands, and feet involvement with these children of Hope.
Pictured left: Al Henson (center), Founder and Global Ambassador of Compassionate Hope with several of our children of hope in Phusang, Thailand.
The Need
Compassionate Hope has 42 Homes of Hope where the “least of these” live and receive love, food, clothing, medical care, spiritual guidance, and a quality education under the care and supervision of house parents. The cost of providing a home for these children ranges from $400 – $2,000 a month, depending on the number of children, region, and services needed. The average home has 20 children.
Pictured right: This is one of our 42 Homes of Hope in Southeast Asia. The “Shalom House” is located in Chiange Rai, Thailand.
The Opportunity
We are asking your church, business, or small group to consider sponsoring one of our 42 Homes of Hope. You will have the opportunity to choose the Home that matches your interests and funding level, fully or partially. We do not offer sponsorships of individual children. Rather, we seek to build long-term community between our sponsors and the homes they make possible.
When you sponsor a home, you will:
Pictured right: Children’s physical, emotional, AND spiritual needs are nurtured in our Homes of Hope.
What Makes Compassionate Hope Different?
Pictured left: A row of bunk beds in one of the girls’ homes in the Village of Hope, Phusang, Thailand.