Sponsor a Home of Hope
The children in our Homes and Villages of Hope are victims or potential victims of human trafficking and religious persecution in Thailand, Laos, and the Philippines.
Compassionate Hope has more than 55 Homes of Hope where these rescued children live and receive love, food, clothing, medical care, spiritual guidance, and quality education under the care and supervision of house parents.
Our Homes of Hope are homes, not orphanages. We welcome the children into families led by house parents, who love and care for their children. Some homes have as few as six children, whereas others have 20 or more children.
Our Villages of Hope provide community and a holistic experience for the rescued children. Each Village of Hope will include multiple Homes of Hope, a Christian school, a church, and businesses and agriculture to provide vocational training and revenue to help the village become self-sustaining.
We are praying that God would raise up passionate individuals like YOU to help sponsor a Home of Hope or Village of Hope.
The cost to provide all aspects of home care (including food, clothing, medical, spiritual, and educational needs) ranges between $600 and $3,000 per month per location, depending on the number of children, location, and services needed.

Step into our Homes of Hope
Explore our free Homes of Hope booklet and see where our children grow, learn, love and heal.
This digital version includes many of our Homes of Hope, but for their protection, it does not contain information about our Homes of Hope in restricted areas.