Camille Jalbert

Chiang Rai Ministry Center

Camille has a heart to see those who are hurting find the necessary healing and worth lavished on them in Christ Jesus. Her role will be to serve the children and Christian leaders in the nations where Compassionate Hope operates.

Camille grew up in a strong Christian home and was saved and baptized at a young age. The seventh born of nine children, her Biblical world view began to develop through her home school education and family/church influences.

Although she was very tender-hearted and sensitive as a child, Camille’s heart became numb and drifted from the Lord in her teens and early twenties. However, the Lord began to gently pull her closer to Himself when after a series of challenges in college, she hit bottom emotionally and physically and turned to Him in desperation.

Early in the Spring of 2017 before her senior year, the Lord opened the door for her to attend Ellerslie Mission Society for the summer. There, she was introduced to Jesus on a deeper level than she had ever known and began to passionately pursue and to more deeply surrender to Him.

In May 2018, she graduated from Florida Polytechnic University with honors, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. That fall, she obtained a job as controls engineer at a pharmaceutical blister machine manufacturing company.

However, God had impressed upon her heart to take a season of anonymity and go overseas to serve the servants of God to further her own personal growth and discipleship.

Finally, after reaching out to a reputable missionary family in Uganda, she resigned from her job in December, and in January 2020, left everything and everyone she knew, and stepped onto foreign soil to serve a family with six children for four months. During this season, she saw the white harvest and the need for workers and a willingness to go was born in her heart.

After returning home, Camille revisited her career plans and began to pursue her childhood dream of being an astronaut. She started her application for Officer Candidate School for the navy, hoping for a pilot position and then to work her way up to becoming a test pilot, and ultimately a military astronaut.

Although the prospect was promising, she was hesitant about signing away 10 years of her life to the military. This led her to pursue the counsel of two older wise men and women that she respected, both of which after careful consideration, counseled her against the navy.

In January 2021, Camille joined Compassionate Hope Foundation as a missionary. In February, leaving her career plans, her family, and her life in Tampa, she moved to Nashville to begin a season of preparation for the mission field. The season involved raising support, skills preparation, and spiritual development.

As her preparation season is moving into the next phase, Camille’s immediate role as a missionary will be to serve the children and national leaders in Chiang Rai. In August 2022, she moved to Chiang Rai, Thailand, to study the Thai language for two years. Her heart is to minister alongside the CHF team both in the Homes of Hope there, as well as to encourage the college students in the city. As she serves the Lord faithfully she is certain she will receive more light for the next steps in this calling to “The Least of These”.


Please consider supporting Camille and her work with Compassionate Hope.