Christian & Georgia Faugl
Kabin Buri Home of Hope
Christian & Georgia are gifted with a powerful sense of compassion and love for hurting children, which developed over years serving “the least of these” in northern Thailand including their one year mission as houseparents at the Phusang Village of Hope. Their gifts and talents with technology, art and administration allow them to serve in a broad capacity wherever they go.

In 2016, Christian and Georgia made their first trip to the Phusang Village of Hope in northern Thailand to conduct a one-week VBS program with their home church Cypress Point. Children attended not just from the Phusang home but also several other CHF homes in the area, with around 100 kids across many ages represented. That first trip altered the trajectory of their lives forever and ignited a fire for serving God through international missions.
Returning the following year for their second trip, the Holy Spirit began to stir their hearts and lead them towards exploring the option of moving to Thailand and dedicating themselves full-time to this important work. Following much prayer and self-reflection, they committed to relocating to the Phusang Village of Hope for a one-year stay starting in October 2018.
That year abroad served as their “missionary internship”, where they experienced many aspects of what it meant to serve hurting people in a foreign land. They integrated within the Lanna Christian School on campus as teachers of English, art, and computers. They also drove school vehicles to pick up students from nearby villages, or to take CHF kids to the hospital for check-ups and dental work. They developed and led daily Bible teachings for the kids every morning and helped lead worship for church on Sundays.
In addition to learning how to interact within their new Thai community in Chiang Kham, they experienced life in Laos and Malaysia as they travelled to neighboring countries to renew their visas every 90 days. But most impactfully, Christian and Georgia became houseparents to seven girls aged 5 through 9 that were among the youngest and most emotionally vulnerable on campus. The transformation each of these girls experienced by the end of that year was fresh evidence of God’s redemptive power through obedience to His call. And the transformation Christian and Georgia personally experienced cannot be understated as well.
After returning to the US before the pandemic in 2019, Christian and Georgia’s desire to serve these precious children solidified even stronger. They have seen first-hand the damage that the sin of abuse can have on children, and the ways that trauma negatively affects their lives and development. They’ve also experienced firsthand how the power of Jesus can change these stories of trauma into stories of healing and redemption. Through spiritual wisdom and instruction, love, and tenderness—these hurting, unseen children can be transformed into powerful ambassadors for the Kingdom of Heaven. Christian and Georgia want to not only rescue these kids from the lives they would otherwise have had but equip them to become future leaders among the next generation within a nation that is only 1% Christian.
Right now, their immediate plans are to relocate again to Thailand in order to attend language school in-country. Eventually their hope is to live and work not only as leaders of a Home of Hope in Thailand, but also to bring the revelation of Christ to surrounding Thai communities using the tools of language and cultural fluency. Your prayers and support are especially appreciated as Christian and Georgia continue to discern the specifics of their calling.