Jeremy and Brittanie Rees

Mindanao, Philippines

Jeremy and Brittanie feel God’s call to be a blessing to the nations.

The Rees family are heading to Mindanao, Philippines where they will serve the children and home leaders with joy and love.

Jeremy and Brittanie Rees are following the Lord’s direction to move to the Philippines in January of 2025 to support the two Villages of Hope there. Along with their two children, Georgia (7) and Shiloh (3), they are planning to serve at the Cagayan de Oro (CDO) location on the island of Mindanao, Philippines. This new location will eventually provide refuge to as many as 200 children rescued from Online Sexual Exploitation, Human, and Cyber Trafficking.

After 21+ years in the Army Reserves and 13 years in the non-profit sector with Water Mission and Habitat for Humanity, Jeremy is trusting God’s direction in using these and other skillsets to care for and provide servant-leadership to the staff and children in the Homes. Brittanie has served as the Director of Children’s Ministry for Lighthouse Church North Charleston and led international mission and ecotourism trips and has long felt the call to become a ‘mother to many’.

The Rees family has prayed and waited for many years for the opportunity to go, all the while listening to God’s call to serve ‘the least of these’; they are full of joy and anticipation to see how they will be used. Their journey is one marked by redemption and grace and they recognize that they have been ‘blessed to be a blessing to the nations’. (Genesis 12:1-3).


Please consider supporting the Rees family and their work serving the least of these.